by Viktoriya Sener

Monday, 9 March 2020


ENG: Catching sunshine and saying bye to winter. Total white outfit is must definitely! Knitted dress and soft booties with crop fluffy jacket, last cold weather outfit…
Thanks for stopping by!

RU: Провожаем зиму и встречаем весну белым нарядом: платье-свитер, ботинки и укороченная курточка. Солнечная погода уже с нами!
Спасибо, что заглянули!

SHEIN jacket (HERE)
Q1tieb (15% off when order over $60)
ZARA dress (similar HERE)
ZARA scarf (similar HERE)
INCI boots (similar HERE)



  1. Солнечная, нежная, красивая! Желаю весеннего позитива и ярких впечатлений! Удачной недели! Целую!

  2. Very beautiful! Awesome pictures!

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  3. Wonderful jacket! I liked it very much! Beautiful spring day!

  4. Lovely Fantastic photo!

  5. Amazing view! Have a great day!

  6. Claudia V. from Madrid, Spain12 March 2020 at 12:12


  7. Spring mood is in the air! Great mood!

  8. Girl in white! Love your jacket!

  9. nice style for the last day of winter. Please be careful of corona virus

  10. What a cute sweater dress!
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  11. Gorgeous outfit. Love your jacket.

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